Sunday, July 19, 2009

Look at Me...I'm 5-Months-Old!!!

Me and Papa
I can fall asleep on cue even while playing....
I still rock the pony tail (with my God-Mommy)
Look at my chunky legs!!!
I can play in my bouncer!
I can take pictures with "Brother-Fur" aka Christopher!
Yes, I can suck my thumb even though mommy will NOT let that go on much longer!
And I can laugh.....
And be the best baby EVER!


  1. Ok.....I Love Her!!! We need to compare chunky legs. I'm not sure if Bennett's or Nicole's are bigger??? I love the picture of her sleeping in the boppy!

  2. James can't get over her chunks. He thinks they're unnatural.

  3. She has the best smile. I love her so much. Where is the picture of her driving.

